Finding an organisation that values diversity and inclusion can make a significant difference in career satisfaction and growth.
The Real Estate sector has made great progress in promoting D&I in recent years. But how can you spot whether a company has a clear and passionate D&I platform?
➡ Start at the top. In organisations with a strong D&I ethos, the CEO and Senior Management take a public stance in embedding it into the organisation’s values and purpose. Look for examples of how they exemplify this culture, and take responsibility for progress toward their goals.
➡ Is it measurable? Organisations with clear and visible commitment to D&I set targets and hold themselves accountable.
➡ Pay attention during your interview process. You should begin to see first hand if diversity and inclusion is something the business is passionate about. Are the questions and topics of conversation you discuss reflective of a commitment to inclusive practices? Don’t be afraid to ask questions about how they foster D&I across the organisation.
➡ Testimonials and reviews on the company’s website or social media can provide valuable insights about a company’s D&I, culture and values.
What other tips do you have for identifying inclusive workplaces?
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